Our Approach

Behavioural issues, Autism, ADHD, ADD, Aspergers, and other developmental issues can be treated by ensuring better communication between different networks in the brain, using evidence based approaches.
Years of research, functional MRI studies and other new technologies have identified a disconnection amongst different brain networks and poor overall nervous system function.
At Kids Therapy we identify these problems and use state of the art technologies to treat and improve functions in your children.

Interactive Metronome
Interactive Metronome® is a computer-based therapy that improves motor planning, timing and sequencing, all of which are considered fundamental capacities for learning and performance. The one-minute assessment uses headphones, hand and foot sensors to determine how closely a participant responds to computer-generated musical beats. An IM training program may be beneficial to children who score outside of the normal range

Wearing your Eyelights, as little as 10 minutes a day, is scientifically proven to cause dramatic improvements in mental ability, balance, vision, alertness, ADD, ADHD, autism and so much more. A real technological and medical miracle!
Eye Lights